SEND & Inclusion
SEND & Inclusion at Mangotsfield Church of England Primary School
Mangotsfield Church of England Primary School is an inclusive school. We are committed to providing high quality education to every learner. All learners, including those identified as having special educational needs or a disability (SEND), have a common entitlement to an accessible, broad and balanced academic and social curriculum and they should be fully included in all aspects of school life.
Mangotsfield Church of England Primary School is committed to inclusion. We aim to:
develop cultures, policies and practices that include all learners
develop a sense of community and belonging
have high aspirations for all learners
provide appropriate and stimulating learning activities for all
Kelly Maudsley is our Inclusion Lead (SENDco) 01454867400 admin@mangoschool.org
At Mangotsfield Church of England Primary School we aim to enable all of our learners, whatever their abilities or needs, to reach their full potential. All class teachers are teachers of learners with special educational needs and have responsibility for ensuring that learning is accessible through quality first teaching. In addition to this provision, we have a highly-skilled team of teaching assistants who work in collaboration with the class teacher to enable learning. Learners with SEND work alongside their peers in the classroom for the majority of the time but may also work in individual or small group teaching sessions as appropriate. Specific and measurable targets are designed and agreed by the class teacher, parents and the learner. These are regularly reviewed and are amended as necessary.
Most of the time a learner's difficulties can be assessed and their needs met from within the school's resources, this is illustrated through our Graduated Response Model.
Monitoring and Reporting
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo), in partnership with the class teacher, is responsible for monitoring the progress of learners with additional needs. Parents will be kept fully informed of their child’s progress through the normal schedule of parent consultation meetings. Additional meetings with the class teacher or SENDCo will be arranged as needed.
Learners who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) will have an Annual Review meeting to monitor progress and plan for the future. This often involves professionals from outside agencies, such as Educational Psychologists. Parents will be fully involved in decisions regarding their children; their opinions will be sought for Annual Review Meetings, either in writing or verbally and they will always be invited to attend.
Please see below for the main SEND policies:
- The Local Offer details all services available for SEND children and their families provided by South Gloucestershire Council. Please click on the following link for the South Gloucestershire Local Offer: http://www.southglos.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/local-offer/
-The Mangotsfield Church of England Primary School SEND School Information Report details what our school offers SEND children and their families in addition to the Local Offer. It can be found here, along with our SEND Equality Policy.